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Friday, December 08, 2006

What A Chillul Hashem!

WCBS news at 12:00 just did a recap of the Rabbi Kolko's arrest.

Here's the video of last night's report.

When will people learn that trying to sweep something under the rug to avoid a Chilul Hashem will only result in a later and much larger Chilul Hashem?

What sounds worse? "Police today arrested a Brooklyn Rabbi on charges that he molested a student", or "Police today arrested a Brooklyn Rabbi on charges that he molested a student. Similar allegations going back 30 years have been made before, and the school administration has been accused of covering up the abuse?"

It's better to have a small Chilul Hashem today then a giant one tomorrow.


It's better to have a small Chilul Hashem today then a giant one tomorrow.


You would think that rebbeim, after a lifetime of learning Torah, would know this.
They didn't think it would ever come to this. It's like the Nixon thing: if his response to the Watergate burglary had been to call the police, have them arrested, call for an investigation then he would have finished his term in office. But he didn't do that. Same thing with many, many political scandals. The coverup is always what gets 'em.

Which makes you wonder if its simply pride or something far more nefarious--that most of the time they get away with these indiscretions, whether big or small, and they have every reason to believe that the most rational option is not to immediately go to the authorities but to cover it up. Who knows if most coverups aren't successful?

Like R. Salomon said: "You don't know how many good things we did behind the scenes." Yes, and we also don't know how many other things were successfully covered up, with bad results.
It's better to have a small Chilul Hashem today then a giant one tomorrow.

Exactly. (Sorry LT.)

Anon is right, and that's a major part of the problem.
"When will people learn that trying to sweep something under the rug to avoid a Chilul Hashem will only result in a later and much larger Chilul Hashem?"

when torah temimah closes its doors after loosing a few multi-million dollar law-suites.

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