Classmate-Wearing-Yarmulka gets a job and passes the bar exam


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Anthony Weiner Is An Idiot

Ok, that's a little to harsh. How about Anthony Weiner is a Democrat?

How else do you explain his reaction to a non-partisan study that showed that New York City is by far the most taxed large city in the U.S.?

From the article:

Representative Anthony D. Weiner, a Democrat who represents parts of Queens and Brooklyn and ran for mayor in 2005, called the report “a surprise to no one.” He called for imposing hefty surcharges on incomes over $1 million to lessen the tax burden on the poor and middle class.

Newsflash to Weiner: Those who make more than $1 million a year are the kind of people who are most likely to pack up and leave for suburbs if you jack up their taxes. Then you'll be left with less money and will be forced to raise taxes on the poor and middle class. Not smart.

And what does Weiner have anything to do with this issue anyways? He's a Congressman. This is purely a state and local issue. He has no power to do anything here.


YOU'RE the idiot. Is your position that there should be NO taxes?
its a perfectly legitimate position to suggest that people with more many contribute a larger share (rather than using bushinomics to give the welthiest a bigger tax cut than everyone else)
Wiener is running for Mayor again in 2009. Also as a new yorker he has every right in the world to express his opinon, especially when he has a very good chance and becoming the next mayor of new york city.
As to your final point, there a many millionares on park avenu and its environs that arent going to be scared out of the city by a tax increase.
YOU'RE the idiot. Is your position that there should be NO taxes?

Huh? How could you possibly reach that conclusion based on what I wrote?

its a perfectly legitimate position to suggest that people with more many contribute a larger share (rather than using bushinomics to give the welthiest a bigger tax cut than everyone else)

I never said otherwise. You just have to be aware of the ramifications of doing so.

Wiener is running for Mayor again in 2009. Also as a new yorker he has every right in the world to express his opinon, especially when he has a very good chance and becoming the next mayor of new york city.

Good point, I forgot that he's running again. But it's still a poor campaign platform.

As to your final point, there a many millionares on park avenu and its environs that arent going to be scared out of the city by a tax increase.

Never underestimate a person's desire to pay as little taxes as possible. And if has the means of moving, there's a good chance he will.
Those who make more than $1 million a year are the kind of people who are most likely to pack up and leave for suburbs if you jack up their taxes.

I don't believe that. No way Trump, Bloomberg, and all the rest of the Upper East Side hoi-polloi are going to pack up their substantial real estate holdongs, assets, and businesses and move across the river because of a tax hike. They'll just find another write-off to offset it. I don't think it's unreasonable to let the extremely affluent shoulder a greater portion of the tax burden. Weiner may be blustering about something he has little purview over (at this point), but I honestly don't think it's a wildly crazy idea. Of coure, I don't expect the uber-rich to be pleased about it, either.

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