Classmate-Wearing-Yarmulka gets a job and passes the bar exam


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Taylor Law, Part II

My friend suggested a brilliant way to ensure that there will never be another transit strike, or any strike by any New York State employee union.

Simply add these 4 words to the Taylor Law:

Private Right of Action.


From today's comments-

CWY's Friend said...

CWY - To elaborate for your vast readership:

The Taylor law should be amended to allow for a private right of action to sue the union and any strking members for damages suffered as the result of an illegal strike. Damages for individual union members would be capped at some reasonable but substantial amount - say 15-25K, but Union execs would be subject to unlimited liability.

The point is that the union could not go on strike and bet that the Taylor Law penalties - particularly against the individual members, would be waived by the City upon settlement of the strike. The city would have no right to waive private tort actions by aggrieved employers. Therefore, the Union would never vote to strike - as it would bankrupt the Union, personally bankrupt the execs personally, and hurt the individual strikers quite substantially.


CWY - To elaborate for your vast readership:

The Taylor law should be amended to allow for a private right of action to sue the union and any strking members for damages suffered as the result of an illegal strike. Damages for individual union members would be capped at some reasonable but substantial amount - say 15-25K, but Union execs would be subject to unlimited liability.

The point is that the union could not go on strike and bet that the Taylor Law penalties - particularly against the individual members, would be waived by the City upon settlement of the strike. The city would have no right to waive private tort actions by aggrieved employers. Therefore, the Union would never vote to strike - as it would bankrupt the Union, personally bankrupt the execs personally, and hurt the individual strikers quite substantially.
Well I'd love for my 30 day unlimited Metrocard to be extended for the term of the strike...
Per MTA website from even before strike-they will extend to the extent of days lost in strike.

Thanks for the info. I didn't know that.

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