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Wednesday, November 08, 2006

South Dakota Abortion Ban Fails

NARAL is hailing this defeat as a victory and a validation of Roe
Here's a quota from NARAL- "This is a wake-up call to lawmakers in other states that America's pro-choice majority will not allow an assault on Roe v. Wade to go unanswered."
A few points.
  1. This wasn't about Roe per se, this was about South Dakota's desire to prohibit abortions.  But the law was too restrictive, so it was shot down.  Democracy works.

  2. If there's a pro-choice majority in this country, why do we even need Roe?  Ignore the fact that Roe is a legal travesty.  Focus on policy.  Roe fans say that we need it to protect against the tyranny of the majority.  But if pro-choicers are in the majority, who exactly are we protecting? 

  3. South Dakota showed us what would happen if Roe is ever repealed.  People from both sides debated the merits, and then the voters decided.  Democracy works. 


Roe fans say that we need it to protect against the tyranny of the majority. But if pro-choicers are in the majority, who exactly are we protecting?

We're protecting women in states where pro-choicers are not in the majority.

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