Classmate-Wearing-Yarmulka gets a job and passes the bar exam


Sunday, October 30, 2005


The Valerie Plame kerfuffle, and Scooter Libby’s subsequent indictment makes everyone look like a hypocrite.  

Republicans who say that perjury or obstruction of justice is no big deal are hypocrites.  Isn’t that what they tried to impeach Clinton for?  

Democrats who say that perjury or obstruction of justice is a really big deal are hypocrites.   Isn’t that what they tried to pooh-pooh when Clinton did it?  

And on a side note:  Democrats and the media’s attempts to spin this indictment into an indictment about the war are laughable at best.  


Lying about one's sex life is hardly the same as lying about national security issues.
Lying about one's sex life is hardly the same as lying about national security issues.

I thought the issue is lying to a grand jury. If there was a national security violation, we would see an indictment based on the original statute involved (Covert Identities). Unfortunately for the left, national security was not compromised here. Now Wilson's false statements in his Op-Ed arguably did harm national security, but thankfully he is not, nor as he ever been, in a position of importance.
I don't think most of the right feels perjury/obstruction of justice are not big deals; rather, it's closer to your last statement: It's nothing compared to what the Dems were hoping to get out of it.

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